Here is a rather sub-par photo of the entry way, where you can just see the PUCP letters that have been artfully worked into the grass. One interesting thing that I found out today is that PUCP is a closed campus. You have to go through a gate and show your student ID card to get inside. Very fancy.
We went in today to meet the director in charge of international students, get our pictures taken for our ID cards (mine is sure to be awful), open Peruvian bank accounts, and take a Spanish placement test for the IFSA classes we are taking. IFSA, of course, is the shortened name for the program I am here with. My favorite thing about walking around campus was seeing los venados roaming about. Los venados are small, tame deer that are live within the grounds of PUCP and wander about eating hibiscus flowers. They are adorable.
We had pollo saltado for lunch today in el comedor (the cafeteria) and it was delicious. This is a classic peruvian dish, from my understanding. I would like to add, for the skeptics out there, that my vegetable intake has been higher than usual and I have been trying everything. I ate many, though not all of the onions and peppers in my saltado. They were actually pretty good. I also ate all the onions and cucumbers on my salad, but not the olive because olives are a food from hell.
Note: This is not my photo. Thanks Google.
Again not my photo, and they are not all quite that full, but this is the gist of what a combi ride is like.
Tomorrow I head out to the center of Lima! Pictures and stories to follow!
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